

  Everyone want to make an impact  and live a life can be proud of but anyone who has ever known success or even been around the block  time or two knows that life comes with some hard realities


 here seven painful truth may not be fun to hear  or think about  but they can help you improve your life immediately

to impress people who don't appreciate you will hurt you.

successful people know how to build relationships to network , but there is big difference between creating connection and people  pleasing , as human were are social create and life can get lonely without other people around us but that doesn't mean you want a relationship built on lies , as people pleaser you end up surrounding  with a lot of the false relationship which isn't good  personally or professionally  because you are trying to please everybody you end up pending over backward and doing things you shouldn't. 

successful people aren't bothered crowd they focus on their goal and work toward it with their true friends ,why bother for some one else approval when your success lies in your hand not their  

Be prepare to lose your friends

The road to success isn't  an easy or straight one and long the way  you are going to lose some friends because success is not so easy obtained those who truly want to achieve it will need to put in more work , more work means less time for distraction  and less time for hanging out  with friends , this will impact your social life you wont have time for a lot of things and everyone will get that.

 if you are dedicated to your goals your friendship cycle will inevitably cut in half , of course there's an alternative , you can set longer term goals adopt more flexible  lifestyle   and strive for healthy work life balance even with that you are still going to lose a few friends because not everyone will able to continue the journey with you.

To prepared to make other sacrifices 

Friends are not the only thing you may end up sacrificing on the road to success , you may end up sacrificing other thing such as your free time too , freelancing is one of the trending term online today, it s marketed as being better than nine to five that you have more control of your time,.

while that is true it is not the full picture , unless you are fully establish freelancer with high paying clients and a name for yourself , freelancing is often times more demanding than a nine to five you are going to have sacrifice  a lot free time at the start  ,  you may even work more than to nine  to five most  days until you figure out to path success your free lancing career 

You cant control every circumstance 

Part of being successful is knowing that things wont always go the way you planned , you cant control everything , life will throw you some good, some bad and some ugly moment .

How you deal with it is what matters , you cant outrun the bad and ugly and welcome the good , no its package deal , these thing will happen whether you want them to or not , if you are good at planning and managing your life which to be honest is essential for success then you can reduce some of it but you cant get rid of all of the bad successful  people know to how roll with the pinches 

Failure always comes before success

Some ,mistakes are unavoidable in the road to success .failure is the part of journey is not a problem.

problem comes when you don't forgive yourself and you don't learn from your mistakes , if you are afraid to fail then how can you possibly succeed , successful people where they are today because they are not afraid to fail .

the different between a master and beginners is that master has failed many times and learning from it whereas, the beginner hides from very failure  just because he didn't / she didn't  succeed today  does not mean you won't  succeed the next time , some time things have to very wrong  before they are right 

Winner don't quit

promise yourself something exciting then do what it takes to fulfill that promise you were born to be a success although to be successful you must plant to be prepared to be expect to be and work to be everyday  ,success is not a secrets , success is direction process and a way of life. 

Its not a job of other to love you its your 

Being nice is a virtue everyone should have as important as it is be nice to others , its more important to  be nice to yourself , if you don't love yourself , how you can find the will or belief that will push you to succeed .

A lot of people quit  because they see themselves through eyes of others , especially those that don't value them,  know your worth even  if other don't be comfortable with letting people love you the way you are  flaws and all mistakes and all and let that someone be you  

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